Wednesday, July 9, 2008

For those dog in need

Do you have any collars or toys your puppy has outgrown? Or some old towels and blankets that you no longer need? A kitty bed that's left untouched in the corner? If so, then drop off your donations at our bakery! We have a bin just inside our door for your gently used items that could benefit animals who are currently without their forever homes. There is a jar on our counter for any monetary donations as well. 

The first bin filled up quickly and was given to the Humane Society of Huron Valley. They were most appreciative to our customers who generously donated their items. We're sure the doggies were equally happy! The bin is well on it's way to overflowing again, so if you have a favorite rescue group or organization that are in need of items that may help them out then please let us know. 

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