Monday, May 26, 2008

Taste of Ann Arbor

On June 1, 2008, Main Street in downtown Ann Arbor transforms into a tasty food festival! Taste of Ann Arbor and the Rest of the World kicks off at 11 a.m. featuring bite sized portions of culinary favorites from over 30 restaurants. Though dogs are not permitted at this event, Ann Arbor Biscuit Co. will be there so you can take home a "doggie bag" to your four-legged friend! We'll have prepackaged favorites like Cheese Fries & Pretzels as well as other decorated culinary delights your dog will want to get his paws on. The event is free to attend but tickets for taste are $0.50 and can be purchased throughout the day. Music, dance, theater performances & kids activities will also take place during this fun-filled event! Check out Main Street Ann Arbor for more details. Hope to see you there!